Spice of Your Life
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Italian Style Chicken Burgers
Friday night after a fun date night on the golf course we came home starving and ready to eat. In a hurry I whipped up a delicious Italian...
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Fresh Chicken Salad - All Natural - Whole30 - Paleo
I'm back in the saddle again...the Whole30 saddle, that is. I've reigned in our household and eliminated all booze, sugars, grains...
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Sticking with the plan
Friday after work I went to the grocery store and although it wasn't exactly when I wanted to go, I still made it work for me and got wh...
Pacific Pork Roast
A major benefit in my life is that I was raised in a beef cattle family, odd to you maybe, but beneficial to me. I was raised with a family...
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Going "Whole" by participating in whole30 my adventure begins...
Long time no share! My last post said I was doing paleo and I was failing miserably, and in fact that's when it ended. I couldn't ...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Paleo Egg Cups
Paleo Egg Cups Okay, so I'm trying this new Whole30 thing and I'm already extremely unsuccessful at it, (No, you cannot see me eat...
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Spicy Ensalada Salad
There is a local salad shop here in Indy, When Eddie Met Salad, and in no way could I ever mimick all of their amazing salads but one had m...
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